One year ago, James Carter, gained recognition for his ‘pioneering’ community art project called the Reimagine Project. However, James decided to shift his focus towards building an online platform for all creative individuals, which he named Creative Flair. Throughout the platform’s development, James shared valuable tips for artists and creatives online, garnering a significant following.
James recognised the difficulties faced by new artists and their struggles in the art world, inspiring him to create Creative Flair as a new way to help up-and-coming artists as well as experienced creatives reach a like-minded global audience. With careful consideration and his artistic background, James designed each feature of the platform to serve a specific purpose, allowing users to share their work, receive valuable feedback, connect with a supportive community, store their portfolio, and access an array of resources tailored to their unique needs and goals.
Creative Flair stands out from other platforms as even novice artists can earn money by writing and uploading articles and resources. Additionally, users can store their portfolios in a professional manner for free, and networking with others, creating groups, forums, and courses is made easy and free. James has made sure that art knowledge should not be gated by making many of these features completely free.
James’s hard work on the platform has led to interesting opportunities, such as the creation of the Creative Flair Podcast, through which he continues to help artists and creatives. Within the first two weeks of release, Creative Flair has amassed 5K users.
Anyone interested in Creative Flair can visit, and the official promo video for the platform is available here: