Title of Artwork: "Guernica" Artwork by Pablo Picasso Year Created 1937 Summary of Guernica When...
Spirit, Painted by George Roux The painting Spirit painted in 1885, by George Roux, is...
The logo for the brand Burberry is both stylish and classic, this is shown by...
Title of Artwork "The Three Graces" Artwork by Raphael Year Created 1504-1505 Summary of The...
Title of Artwork "Fountain" Artwork by Marcel Duchamp Year Created 1917 Summary of Fountain Fountain,...
Title of Artwork "The Scream" Artwork by Edvard Munch Year Created 1893 Summary of The...
We've all been in that hard situation in school or college where you are told...
In addition to photographing your artworks, scanning is a great option for making your art...
Writing an artist statement can be a challenging process. When you operate in a visual...
As artists, we want to avoid that cliche of a 'starving artist', and one of...