The art world is mourning the loss of Destiny Deacon, an influential Aboriginal artist known...
In a significant act of restitution, France has returned several paintings sold under duress during...
In an extraordinary revelation that has captivated the art world, never-before-seen photographs of the enigmatic...
The ongoing controversy surrounding Damien Hirst, one of the contemporary art world's most provocative figures,...
Art and culture have profound impacts on modern society, shaping identities, fostering community, and driving...
The unveiling of a new portrait of King Charles III has captured the attention of...
The first official portrait of King Charles III since his coronation has been unveiled, and...
Understanding Art as an Investment Art consistently holds its value over time, standing robust against...
The art world is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by rapid technological advancements and significant...
The phrase "ma jolie" is a French term of endearment that translates to "my pretty"...