Title of Artwork "Fountain" Artwork by Marcel Duchamp Year Created 1917 Summary of Fountain Fountain,...
Title of Artwork "The Scream" Artwork by Edvard Munch Year Created 1893 Summary of The...
"Female Half-Nude with Pearl Necklace" (1934) by Hans Hassenteufel (German, 1887-1943) Hans Hassenteufel was a...
Mother and child in a boat by Edmond C Tarbell, 1892 A delicate, sensitive image...
“Blooming Meadows” by John Joseph Enneking. American painter (1841 –1916) Oil on canvas – 1897...
Gustave Courbet, 'The Woman in the Waves' Realism school Painted in 1868, oil on canvas....
Jacques Cancaret (French, 1876-1941) "Nu aux Colliers (Nude with a Necklace)" No biographical information available....
Thomas Eakins, American, 1844-1916 - "The Swimming Hole" 1885 - oil on canvas The style...
Portrait of Olga Picasso (Olga Khokhlova) by Pablo Picasso - 1923 LOVE ART, LOVE LIFE....
A cascade of visual delight!“Cherries and Viburno” by Clara von Sivers, German (1854-1924) painted, 1890...