The beauty of Japanese Wood Block Prints displays beautiful linear work, bold patterns and energetic...
Brazilian artist Joao Candido Portinari, Portrait of Carmem Mayrink Veiga (1959) A very imposing and...
Evelyn Page is a talented woman from New Zealand. She delivers a painting with a...
I always keep an open mind, endlessly prepared to change my understanding or opinions as...
Take your love of art to the next level. A beautiful, harmonious and contemplative painting....
“Cherries and Viburno” by Clara von Sivers, German (1854-1924) painted, 1890 A beautiful cascade of...
The intimacy, tenderness, and close bond of love between mother and child Two figures, a...
PABLO PICASSO - Self-Portrait Facing Death - 90 years old, June 30, 1972Self-portraits emphasise an...
‘The Iles d’Or’ – The Golden Islands. 1891 – c.1892 by Henri-Edmond Cross. Henri-Edmond Cross...
Abstract Expressionism is a movement in art history that is known for its ability to...