Title of Artwork: “Girl at a Window”
Artwork by Balthus
Year Created 1957
Summary of Girl at a Window
When it comes to interpersonal intensity, this painting of a younger woman is mellow, but it still represents a psychological state that is more akin to the romantic sublime, as a result of Balthus’ trips to the French countryside and Switzerland. Frederique Tison, a young model who worked with him at the time, appears in Girl at a Window (1957).
All About Girl at a Window
It seems that even his brushstrokes in this softer and less tightly controlled approach to image-making with paint have been influenced by the rich atmosphere of the outdoor surroundings. Despite the fact that the model is facing away from the viewer and is fully clothed, there is none of the overt sexuality present in some of his earlier works such as Therese Dreaming or Guitar Lesson.
It’s more likely that the massive scale of the natural and interior elements, as well as the young woman’s attentive but essentially relaxed posture, are conveying her innocence. If she isn’t particularly young, her arms aren’t large enough to open or close the window in front of her, and one wonders whether her arms would even reach the catches to do so. He has created a narrative and thematic intensity simply by placing the subject and scene in the right place.
This mid-century painting straddles a simultaneous portrayal of interior and exterior states while evoking a sense of youth on the cusp of leaving a protective sanctuary because it flattens the landscape outside his window. This allows his portrait to hint at a larger expanse of land that extends far beyond the walls surrounding the property.
Information Citations
En.wikipedia.org, https://en.wikipedia.org/.