Title of Artwork: “Forever Always”
Artwork by Octavio Ocampo
Year Created *Unknown
Summary of Forever Always
Although the faces of the elderly couple depicted in Forever Always are the first thing that draws the viewer in, they soon become aware of the painting’s overall composition.
Younger versions of the pair are depicted in the faces, presumably laughing and having fun.
All About Forever Always
Their shared life is represented by the Cup of Life between them and the Crown of Fidelity above them. Ocampo was born into a family of Mexican artists, so he received early and thorough instruction in the fundamentals of art, including composition.
He employs the Gestalt theory, which states that the meaning of a whole is greater than that of its parts, to great effect in this work, since it is impossible to decipher the individual components without first seeing the whole.
Information Citations:
En.wikipedia.org, https://en.wikipedia.org/.