Title of Artwork: “Crowning with Thorns”

Artwork by Anthony van Dyck
Year Created 1618-1620
Summary of Crowning with Thorns
Anthony van Dyck painted Christ Crowned with Thorns between 1619 and 1620. He created it at the age of 20 while working as Peter Paul Rubens’ primary studio assistant and student during his first Antwerp period.
The chiaroscuro and highly realistic depiction of musculature indicate the influence of Rubens, as does the rather sombre colour.
It appears that he finished it during his time in Italy, as the face of Jesus bears a strong resemblance to Titian and other Venetian painters.
When van Dyck finished it, he presented it to Rubens, but the artist declined. Philip IV of Spain purchased it and kept it at the Escorial until 1839, when it was transferred to the Prado Museum in Madrid.
Information Citations
En.wikipedia.org, https://en.wikipedia.org/.