Title of Artwork: “Azalea Garden: May 1956”
Artwork by Patrick Heron
Year Created 1956
Summary of Azalea Garden: May 1956
During a time when Heron was transitioning from representational to abstract art, this painting was inspired by his garden in West Penwith, Cornwall. According to him, they were known to him as ‘garden paintings,’ because they evoked the ‘extraordinary effervescence of flowering azaleaves and camellians’ that were blooming in the garden at that time. Heron was a fan of Hitchens’ ability to create the illusion of space through colour in the older generation of British artists. ‘Space in Color,’ organised by Heron in 1953 at the Hanover Gallery, featured works by Hitchens, Lanyon, and the artist himself.
Information Citations
En.wikipedia.org, https://en.wikipedia.org/.