Title of Artwork: “Adoration of the Kings”
Artwork by Diego Velazquez
Year Created 1619
Summary of Adoration of the Kings
Velázquez’s 1619 Baroque painting, The Adoration of the Magi, is now housed in the Museo del Prado. Melchoir, Balthazar, and Caspar are depicted kneeling in front of the Christ child and presenting gifts to him; Caspar appears in the middle of the three. Behind Balthazar, an unidentified young man is watching. Saint Joseph is kneeling near the Virgin’s left shoulder. An altarpiece is based on the painting’s dimensions and format.
“Adoration of the Magi” is “distinguished by great power of colour and chiaroscuro,” said Carl Justi.
The painting’s earliest known location is the Jesuit Novitiate of San Luis, Seville, in 1764. A gift from King Ferdinand VII to the Museo del Prado was made in 1819.
Information Citations
En.wikipedia.org, https://en.wikipedia.org/.